What are the reasons for distrust and confusion between the USA and Muslims?

Noha, Faculty of Islamic Studies, Al Azhar University


  1. Since Sept. 11 there is distrust and confusion. 9-11 was so upsetting that we lost trust and are confused about why it happened. We do not have all the answers, but I do not blame you.
    Sansa Morse, Tucson, Arizona

  2. There is much distrust and confusion between the USA and Muslims for a few reasons, but mostly because of September 11th. Although this didn't happen because of Muslims, it happened because of extremists who call themselves Muslims many Americans don't realize this and are not well educated on the matter at all.
    Much of the confusion is because of the way the Media portrayed the terrorist attacks on America, and the wars in the Middle East.
    All together because the terrorists called themselves Muslim, and because we went to war with predominately Muslim countries the majority of America is confused and mistrusts Muslims. I myself was one of these mistrusting Americans a year or two ago.
    Americans need to investigate and educate themselves on what is really going on.
